À l’origine l’île de St. John’s, l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard n’a pas porté son nom avant 1799. Elle est la plus petite province du Canada, mais c’est celle dont la population est la plus dense, comptant 24 habitants par kilomètre carré. L’Île-du-Prince-Édouard est liée au Nouveau-Brunswick par le plus long pont au-dessus d’eau couverte de glace. Bien que l’île soit connue comme étant le lieu de naissance de la Confédération, ce n’est que le 1er juillet 1873 qu’elle l’a rejoint. L’Île-du-Prince-Édouard est aussi appelée le Jardin du Golfe en raison de ses magnifiques paysages et de la richesse de sa terre agricole, rougie par la haute contenance en fer, et qui fait sa réputation mondiale.
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The North Cape marks the end of Prince Edward Island on the north, from an aerial perspective you can look clearly down the east and west coast of the island. Off shore from the cape lies a 2 km natural rock reef which extends offshore from the cape. It is reportedly the longest natural rock reef composed of sedimentary rock in North America.
East Point and east point lighthouse mark the clear tip of Prince Edward Island to the east. Just like the northern point when you look from an aerial perspective you can clearly see both the Southern and Northern coastline. If the earth wasn't round you could probably follow it straight down to see the other cape.
This might very well be the 7th space shuttle, abandoned along the north coast of Prince Edward Island she probably flew to the moon several times before retiring in Canada.
The capital and largest city of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown is also know as the Birthplace of Confederation. Referring to the Charlottetown Conference in 1864, PEI did not join Confederation until 1873, when it became the seventh Canadian province. Historically, Prince Edward Island is one of Canada's older settlements with the capitol being incorporated in 1855.
Not to be mistaken for the west cape the west point lighthouse isn't actually the most western part of the Island. The lighthouse itself was first lit in 1876 and though still operational it is now run a Museum and Restaurant which was established in 1984. The area around west point is ideal for wind energy and dozens of wind turbines can be seen going up towards the north cape.
Once undiscovered to tourists due to its lack of roads and distance from major attractions Greenwich is now a well know area. Following an outcry to stop the building of a Golf Course in the 80s the area received world wide attention and tourism. In 1998 the Greenwich dunes were added to Prince Edward Island National Park, which protects large parts of the northern coast.
The starting point for many who wish to experience Prince Edward Island the Confederation Bridge is only one of two access points to the island. One way or another many tourists chose to travel across the 12.9-kilometre bridge which opened on May 31, 1997 at some point during their visit. Prior to getting tis name Prince Edward Islanders often referred to the bridge as the "Fixed Link" between mainland New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island.
Home to some of the largest landmarks in Canada the Cavendish area holds such sights as the teapot rock, cape tryon, and the one and only Green Gables House. It is one of the most notable literary landmarks in Canada. The Green Gables farm and its surroundings are the setting for the popular Anne of Green Gables novels by Lucy Maud Montgomery.
Most of the long sandy beaches on Prince Edward Island end and start with a lighthouse, the province itself is home to over 50; which considering the size is a pretty substantial number. Prince Edward Island is the smallest province in Canada and is the only one that has no land boundary.
The gardens of the gulf sure is the right word for the beautiful mix of greens and reds that surround Prince Edward Island. In places abandoned old farm houses stick out of the green creating picturesque scenery, while in other places the contrast between green and red forms crazy patterns.