Copyright @ 2024 Martin Gregus, One 50 Canada Society. All rights reserved. Designed by LEBO advertising

"One 50 Canada" word mark, "One 50 Canada"logo and "Thank you Canada" are trademarks of Martin Gregus

Thank you Canada is a unique, interactive, multimedia project to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Canadian Confederation in 2017. It is a vision, and a dream about the reality of our country. Spanning across the world’s second biggest country from coast to coast, this magnificent book will show the reader not just the beauties of untouched nature and wilderness, but will take them into diverse cities, remote native communities or simply showcase the everyday lives of the Canadian people. It will tell us stories of well-known personalities, as well as stories of everyday Canadians.


Thank you Canada will create a colorful story about contemporary Canada: our nature, our people, and our life. The final product of Thank you Canada is a 600-page extra large coffee table book; a major interactive photography, multimedia and artifact exhibition traveling through Canada’s cities and a feature length documentary 2017 - The Thank you Canada Story.


When turning to the last page of the book, leaving the exhibition or turning off the TV, our audience will have shared the same experience and will be left with an inner desire to visit all pictured destinations in Canada and enjoy them for themselves.