Copyright @ 2024 Martin Gregus, One 50 Canada Society. All rights reserved. Designed by LEBO advertising

"One 50 Canada" word mark, "One 50 Canada"logo and "Thank you Canada" are trademarks of Martin Gregus

The Thank you Canada project is much bigger than anything before. It is not just a book, it is an ongoing presentation of Canadian hospitality and beauty in regards to our multicultural community and individual success. In two words, our Canadian pride. This is our chance to produce something for the future generations.


The success of the Thank you Canada project relies greatly on the Canadians who are willing to share their pride for this country and contribute to Canada’s 150th anniversary. We are looking for local organizations that can help us with in-kind donations in the form of tours and accommodations, as well as partners who can help us acquire permissions to access some of the most inaccessible and remote locations.


The Thank you Canada project should encourage private and commercial sponsors to invest in this one-of-a-kind Canada-wide project with high sustainable value and long-term benefits in return. Have a look through the following pages to get involved and see who we are currently working with from across Canada.